Chapter 264 Mojo?

The way each child appeared had some characteristics, but the tomb baby really made Zhou Yu know what a scary feeling was like. With a pair of red blood hands, a long black hair covering its face, and the scary BGM, the kid opened a hole in Xiaobao's chest and slowly crawled out.

The sound of the heart beating, which has been echoing in Zhou Yu's ears, was really scary, and accompanied by the sound of all kinds of hair-raising cries, it made him suddenly lose appetite. Helplessly, Zhou Yu could only put down the vegetable bun in his hand, and wait for the kid to completely crawl out..

After the heartbroken sword tomb was finally completely open, Sadako, oh no, after checking the information, it was a girl called Lou Baobao, who could finally see the sun. The clothes she was wearing were ragged clothes. Her hands and feet were still cuffed with a broken chain, and the way she stooped and roared was like Orochi Iori, making Zhou Yu very worried.