Chapter 268 the night battle

It was a satisfying meal for John, though he had no idea what it cost him. Without the hell walker, the inspiration for this game would completely disappear, Zhou Yu only hoped that he would do better on the next game.

John had a good time, though the cooperation wasn't successful. And Gao Shu's sudden visit also did not make Zhou Yu angry. Moreover, he even enjoyed a delicious meal and got to know Zhou Yu even more, which made him very happy.

Soon, the group of the game development team left, leaving only those, who had different plans, in a hostel next to the amusement park. There were two groups in the hotel, one was a computer team, and the other was a site investigation team led by Hansen himself.

There was no need to concern about the computer team. After all, the people living underground would deal with them. The real problem was the investigation team.

At night, the flying bird knights that had been monitoring those people reported back again.