Chapter 281 throwing the embroidered ball

The stupid bird was gone, but the trouble remained. Because he had to set off again to find a more powerful gift that would be approved by his future father-in-law, so carrying an idol with him would really be a hindrance, so he directly gave the orphan book Hank, the commercial officer of Luhua City.

What was worse was that Zhou Yu did not know what Hank was thinking, he actually accepted it, which caused the fallen idol to formally become a resident of Luhua City. For this reason, the poor Hank had been criticized by the lord of Luhua city in the inner city for the entire afternoon.

Although getting an idol was a good thing for Luhua City, Zhou Yu really did not like this fallen idol. Because of the way his father behaved, this idol also had an extremely negative attribute, that was, "ladies' man".

It was truly "like father like son".