Chapter 302 The End Of The Dark Age

The negotiation was very smooth. Shang Yue accepted the rule of Luhua City, which was the rule of the three-month investigation period, without any hesitation. He accepted it so quickly that it did not seem like he was hiding something. Or maybe he was confident that Luhua City would not be able to find out what they were hiding. But Zhou Yu did not think it was very likely. After all, it was the king of thieves, who led the team. His ability to detect other people's secrets could absolutely not be underestimated.

Even if they had quite a lot of people, and three months' time was not enough to investigate every one thoroughly, with the king of thieves, the unstable factors in Luhua City would be discovered by him very quickly. With an investigator like him, it would be still very difficult for other people to carry out some secret activities in Luhua city.