Chapter 364 The Desserts Prince

The speed of reporters was very fast. Although there are rules that do not allow reporters to enter the park, as long as they didn't tell the park that they were reporters, the park would not kick them out. After all, there was no ban on taking pictures at amusement parks, so they could still bring their own cameras in.

And the interviews were easier. Zhou Yu was reluctant to be interviewed, but local businesses in the gourmet street would love to have reporters advertise their shops for free. Of course, they also didn't like to have reporters reporting any negative news about their shops. The amusement park's food safety rules were very strict, anyone who broke the rules would be kicked out of the park instantly. The food safety inspectors of the park would come to the gourmet street much more frequently than the safety inspectors from the public health bureau, so no one dared to treat it lightly.