Vol2 Ch22: Disasforce cultivation method, first edition

〖 Disasforce…〗Negary extended hand, sensing his power with the invasive and mutative characteristics.

〖 By injecting my germs into another person's body, they would obtain the power of Disasforce. Whenever any of them performed any invasive actions, their Disasforce, and by proxy, my Disasforce would increase 〗

〖 But all of this is done under the influence of the Authority, and this power belongs to the Authority 〗Negary silently thought as he looked at the Disasforce in his hand.

He wouldn't reject the power of Disaster Authority, but he would also not trust it too much.

〖 Perhaps, through combining [Respiratory Art] and the Witchcraft cultivation method, I would be able to borrow Disasforce as the catalyst to create a set of cultivation methods that others can use 〗Negary thought.