Vol3 Ch44: Disaster

「 IMpuRiTY! 」the monster uttered a resounding roar as its body morphed again.


The lanky canine-looking creature's limbs began to writhe, two large bulges of flesh manifested on its back before finally exploding. The membranes of the bulges were directly ripped through as a large number of tentacles stretched out from within, a pair of 'wings' made of tentacles swiftly showed up in front of everyone.


A yellowish-green liquid splattered everywhere as the bulges exploded, exuding a rancid sour smell that caused numerous people to back off.


The monster howled and screeched in a frenzy as its body slowly started to mutate irregularly. Originally it still seemed like a canine, despite its nauseating appearance, but after this mutation, the monster couldn't even maintain a basic appearance.


The forces who had gathered here kept a close eye on the monster, but none of them tried to approach it just yet.