Vol7 Ch24: Big bone boiled into soup

There were currently a total of three known entities who had been turned to a statue.


The first was the Last God, who had turned into a statue by burning himself away with the majority of the world's supernatural entities at the end of the first Empire.


The second was Nala, who had turned herself into a statue by burning herself at the Kiln of the First Flame.


And finally, the third was a true devout servant of Nala, Alkors Louis, the heir to the [School of Steel Respiratory Art]. After discovering that Nala was burning herself away, he had used [Respiratory Art] to harmonize himself to the rhythm he felt and turned into a statue just like Nala.


And according to the Supreme God world's simulations, Alkors' statue was the easiest for them to return to normal, and there was only a single means to achieve this.


That is------- big bones should be boiled into soup… not!