Vol7 Ch31: What kind of 'strong'?

「 I AM!!! 」 Yayu kept a tight grip over Sky Crow with one talon while the other talon continued to attack, all the while shouting in frenzy.


「 Damn it, I am a God!!! 」Sky Crow shouted while trying its best to struggle free, the flames exuding from its body had already caused a huge wildfire in the nearby forest, turning their battlefield into a sea of flames: 「 But you really are cute! 」


「 What nonsense are you saying!!? 」Yayu continued its frenzied attack, not expecting this half-man half-crow bastard to still have the mind to pay attention to such a thing in battle.


「 Become my divine consort 」Sky Crow concentrated its flames and released it all at once in an explosion to escape from Yayu's talons. It then flapped its burning wings to stabilize itself in flight: 「 Your earlier form had thoroughly conquered my heart, only a bird of your caliber and strength would be worthy to become my divine consort 」