Chapter 41 Remarried, Married, Adopted

After sending away Dong Xiaoye, it was already three o 'clock in the afternoon. The doubts in my heart were like the small sparks gradually became exuberant on a prairie, and in the end, they were turned into the unstoppable prairie fire. I went straight back to my parents' place. Upon opening the door, I heard my old man's hearty laughter.

"Come, Xiao Nan, let me introduce someone to you," my old man must have drunk alcohol at noon since his originally serious face was now red, and his behavior was also less proper. Pointing at a refined young man sitting opposite him, he said gruffly, "this was my student, Guo Xiang. Xiao Guo, this is my disappointing son, Chu Nan."

My face blushed. Since when did I disappoint you?