Chapter 49 The Song Of Best Buddies.

The intoxicated look of Liusu suddenly cleared up, "why? Because I threatened you?"

My heart suddenly tightened, and I gritted my teeth and said, "yes."

Liusu's mouth, however, curved up into a mischievously smirk and said, "are you jealous!"

I didn't dare to look her in the eye, "no," I denied.

"Look at me and say it," drunk people were always very stubborn. Liusu held my face and repeated earnestly, "Nannan, look at me and say it again."

Does she think that I'm scared of her?

Looking at Liusu, who acted very unusually today, I said with a stern face, "no, I am not jealous."

"You are so boring," Liusu suddenly giggled, hugged my arm, and said, "okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Let's go home."

Women are the most hypocritical animals, but they are also the most honest animals. When their hypocrisy couldn't cover their honesty, it would reveal their true feelings. And this was what Liusu was like right now.