Chapter 61 Foot Fetish

"Did you forget it again? Should you call your elder brother by his name?" I grabbed the top of the sock and yanked it, a snow-white little smooth jade-like foot instantly appeared naked in front of my eyes.

The back heel was round and soft, smooth like a piece of water tofu. Because of the nervousness, her toes curled up very hard, forming a few lovely pink wrinkles in the center of the sole. Five toes were sparkling and glittering like five crystals, and also like the five fresh and mature Spirit Mountain Cardamom that seemed to be overflowing with a sweet fragrance. Her toenails were manicured, it looked very natural yet very attractive.

I quickly bit at the tip of my tongue with my teeth. Goddammit, I was almost absorbed by it, and how on earth could someone's foot look like this? This was clearly a perfect handicraft that was carved out of a beautiful jade!

"Tell me, why did you pull a prank on me?"

"I didn't!"