Chapter 89 A Pervette Under The Quilt And A Succubus Outside The Quilt.

Although Dongfang Lianren may not be a lesbian, I still had a few doubts in my mind, "Are you here to apologize to me today?"

Dongfang was dazed, "Mhm, Yuanyuan said that you knew that I deliberately pulled a prank on you, so... but Elder Brother Nan, I really didn't expect that Lv Siqi would overdo it..."

What happened in the past, I have already decided to let it go, but what happened earlier... I asked with a straight face, "Then why did you want to pull a prank on me again before the dinner?"

"I..." Dongfang blushed and pouted her lips, "I had already humbled myself this much to personally bring materials to cook for you and apologize for my behavior. You have to know that this was the first time that I did this kind of thing. But you said that I am a lesbian. Anyone would be angry, don't you think so?"

So it was this... But this girl's vengeful character was really concerning…