Chapter 124 Brother Wei's Method Of Chasing Girls

Mo Fei gave me a difficult question, which I was not able to answer.

What is the boundary between love and friendship? That's just vague enough to be confusing. What she thought was friendship, was actually an arrow in Cupid's hand. When it accidentally shot my heart, it became love, one-sided love! Even if I know it clearly, it is just that strange, and it will make people fall in love involuntarily...

Leaving the problem of the boundary between friendship and love aside first, thinking of a few hours ago, I was even 'fighting' with Lv Siqi and other boys childishly over the love of Chu Yuan, it was so embarrassing that I almost wanted to commit suicide. God damn it, I almost couldn't find the boundary between affection and love…

Mo Fei gave me a difficult question, which I could not answer.