Chapter 129 Troublemaker Group

I was lost again, lost in all kinds of suspicions. Seeing that the atmosphere between the three was strange, I had to hurry up and say, "Yeah, don't let this trifling matter affect your good relationship? Haha, let's just forget the past, anyway, it's me who was being taken advantage of..."

"Bah!" "Bah!" "Bah!"

Three little girls three spat at the same time at me, and Chu Yuan even mercilessly threw the quilt back at me, and snorted in dissatisfaction, "pretending to be the victim after taking advantage of other people!"

"Yes, yes. Whenever this kind of thing happens, it will always be the girl who is the victim!"

"Then why did you kiss me? !" I flicked Dongfang Lianren's forehead and asked.

"Uncle, I think, I'd better give you a kiss as well. Otherwise, someone will always suspect me..."