Chapter 138 Ms. Shu Is Not Dense?

The smelly girl raised her chin, feeling also proud of herself, "Fishing is nothing, it's too easy, oh ha ha~" The way she smiled was quite like little minx Xiao Yike. Damn it, she is clearly being influenced by Xiao Yike.

I looked around, and did not see other people. Then I took over the things that Liusu was holding, and asked curiously, "Where are your cousin and other people?"

"Earlier she answered a phone call and said that my future cousin-in-law is here, so they headed to the restaurant first," Liusu smiled at me and continued: "Yuanyuan and Keke were still competing, so I stayed with them. Let's go. Let's not make them wait for us for long."

I nodded, "Um..."

"I won!"


I was dazed, and turned my head to find that Chu Yuan was staring at me fiercely with a cold face, "I said, I won!"