Chapter 141 "I like you" Arc Part 2

"Nan Nan..." Liusu leaned backward and suddenly fell into my arms, with her head resting on my shoulders, and muttered, "It's strange, really strange..."

I didn't understand why I didn't push away Liusu. My heart beats faster, but I was so calm, "What's strange?"

As my voice fell, we both fell silent.

Liusu, just like me, stared at the TV without blinking her eyes. When there was a darker background, I could vaguely see the ambiguous posture of me and her on the screen. It took a while before I heard her ask quietly: "Why did I not feel embarrassed even if I hugged you and slept with you in the past, but now I just lean on you lightly, my heart is beating rapidly?"

"I..." My heart was no longer fluttering, because that kind of ultra-high-speed pulsation could not be called fluttering, just like my voice, and my lips, I trembled, but I couldn't speak out.

I wanted to say I didn't know, but I just felt that I actually knew.