Chapter 146 A Pair Of Couple Handsets

I had completely forgotten about the agreement with Dong Xiaoye. So inevitably I felt a little bit guilty. I laughed ingratiatingly, "Don't get angry, women are easy to get old when they get angry. Besides, you are so young and beautiful, don't call yourself an old woman this, old woman that, be elegant, otherwise, you won't look like a lady-"

"This old woman is not a lady, so I don't have to act like one! Elegant? I just want to be energetic!" The girl interrupted impolitely without waiting for me to finish speaking, her tone became very cold and asked sternly: "Stop changing the subject, where are you now?"

I was dazed for a second and immediately reacted. It turns out that she was still thinking about beating me up at this moment. I took a look at Chu Yuan, who was looking at me curiously while holding a new type of mobile phone next to me, and hurriedly said: "I am busy working-"