Chapter 177 Where Is Mo Fei

Huh? I couldn't help but be startled, "Fei Fei hasn't told you yet? She still hasn't told you why we took this risk to make this investment?"

Liusu said with annoyance, "Since she doesn't want to tell me, why should I take the initiative to ask her?"

Mo Fei still hasn't explained to Liusu? How come? I was a little surprised. I took the bag that Liusu handed over and smiled: "Okay then, since we got the money, let's give her the money and ask her to tell you personally. It would be inappropriate for me to tell you this on behalf of her."

I didn't want to embarrass Mo Fei, but Mo Fei should also understand that with the current relationship between me and Liusu, this matter could not be hidden from her. So instead of asking me to tell Liusu, she should tell Liusu herself.