Chapter 182 Not Friend Arc — Saying Sorry Once Again

Liu Xiaosheng was indeed very cunning. He actually realized that if he confessed it to Ms. Shu, it might have an even worse outcome, and it would mean that he would really lose Ms. Shu. From this, it could be seen that I had underestimated him. Whether it was his intelligence and his feelings for Shu Tong.

Could it be that he really loved Shu Tong, or maybe. . . he thought that since he had money and status, he could also have a harem like a protagonist of some novels?

If it was the former, then it couldn't be helped; but if it was later, then he seriously needed to see a psychiatrist. . .

After browsing the news habitually, it was almost nine o'clock, and the colleagues in the general operation team had almost arrived. As usual, everyone was chatting and joking with each other before it started to get busy, the atmosphere was very lively.

As soon as I logged in to my QQ, I heard the notification noise. After clicking it open, my face instantly dropped.