Chapter 193 Not Friend Arc— Love me, love my dog.

Damn it! What was this kid thinking? If it weren't for the fact that her father was still alive, I would've even wondered if she also had a father complex and used me as a substitute. . .

Without waiting for me to speak again, the minx's soft body left my thighs and landed on the ground lightly like a leaf blown by the wind. She smiled mysteriously at me: "Singing is too boring. Uncle, let me show you my special skills. I have never performed this in front of others before. You will be overwhelmed by how Moe I am."

"Moe?" I asked in confusion: "What is Moe?"

"You don't even know what 'Moe' is?" Xiao Yike looked at me with a look of 'are you serious', and said with disappointment: "Uncle, do you live under a rock or something?. . ."

The booth was very warm, so we took off our coats as soon as we walked in, but the minx put on my suit jacket, rolled up the cuffs, and smiled at me: "I don't need to explain, you will know what 'moe' is later. "