Chapter 249 Death

The waiter gunman glanced at the masked man in hesitation, then sneered at me, "I will let go of your women. Don't you want to be a hero? You can save two lives with just your life. Do you have the balls?"

Damn you. The life of Long Yifan could exchange for the lives of everyone here, but my life could only exchange for two lives? What he was saying was that my life was cheaper than Long Yifan?

Glancing over the crowd, I unexpectedly discovered that everyone was looking at me. In addition, the way they looked at me was very strange. Some people who were not so scared even whispered at each other while pointing at me. Only until this moment did I realize that I was also quite 'famous' in the upper-class social circle. And it was not difficult to recognize me, because I was with Mo Fei. . .

"Chu Nan, I won't leave!" Mo Fei seemed to be certain that I would definitely agree to the condition. She held my arm tightly.