Chapter 272 Xiao Zi, Envelope, and My Stepmother’s Worries

"Sigh..." My stepmother sighed, full of worries. "Which boy can always tolerate her and pamper like you? So, what I am most worried about is not whether there will be someone who really likes her, but whether she can find a boy she likes... Xiao Nan, don't you think that our Yuan Yuan is not interested in boys? She is sixteen years old, but I have never heard her take the initiative to talk anything about the opposite sex except you and your dad. Apart from little Dongfang, what she talks about the most often is you..."

My stepmother's words stunned me; she actually also felt this. Indeed, Chu Yuan always seemed to ignore the boys around her. 

But what shocked me, even more, was the words my stepmother said next. She glanced at me and then said seriously, "I am worried that you are spoiling her too much. It will make her think that there will be no other boys that are as good as you, and then she will only want to marry you. Hehe."