Chapter 305 The Awkward Atmosphere

"Massaging my shoulders is to cover up, right? You are a little nosy parker, and you were clearly eavesdropping on my conversation with other people. You have stayed in my room for a very long time, but I didn't hear you mention anything about borrowing something. Besides, when you want my briefcase, mobile phone, computer, and even shirts and slippers, you always take them without asking me. Since when do you start to care about asking my permission?"

Being exposed by me in front of Dong Xiaoye and Dongfang Lianren, Chu Yuan blushed a little. She didn't want to destroy her image of a good girl in front of others, so she did not dare to talk back angrily at me. However, there was something else she could do. She pretended to be innocent and said sadly like I had wronged her, "you are my elder brother, of course, I can use your stuff without your permission..."