Chapter 314 Feeling Too guilty...

 "Me?" I was so scared that my heart almost popped out of my chest, "humming songs in the middle of the night? Are you pulling my legs?"

"Maybe..." Dong Xiaoye stared into my eyes and smiled. All my hair stood on end. "You were sleepwalking."

"Haha, you are very funny, I have seen many things since I was a child, but I have never seen a sleepwalker." Simply admitting it would only deepen Dong Xiaoye's suspicion. I was not that stupid. Denying at this time could prove that I was innocent even more. After all, how would a sleepwalker know that he was sleepwalking?

I wanted to create an illusion, that was, my sleepwalking was not a common occurrence. What happened last night was a very rare occurrence.
