Chapter 316 She's back? !

Dong Xiaoye said vigilantly, "Who is this Third Lady?"

Zhang Lingfang looked at me, and then at Dong Xiaoye. After that, she smiled and said, "an extraordinary woman." It didn't seem like she was trying to keep us in suspense, but more like she was trying to brush the questions off.

Dong Xiaoye still waited to ask more, but Li Xinghui took a sip of the red wine and said with a solemn expression, "it doesn't matter whether Mr. Chu knows the Third Lady or not. The important thing is that the Third Lady definitely knows about you. Mr. Chu, you are a smart man. Since this is the case, I won't beat around the bush anymore. If I keep doing it, it would only make me look like a hypocrite. To be honest with you, apart from expressing my gratitude, I would also like to ask a favor from you." 

I was taken aback. 'So this is his real reason.' I thought to myself.