Chapter 324 A Bouquet of Sunflowers

"We can't use words to prove whether he is that kind of person or not, we need evidence to prove it. The current situation is that the people who smashed your company said that their employer is him. Whether it was a setup or they accidentally exposed their employer's name, we all need this Chu Nan to help with the police investigation. We need to ask him a few questions before we can make any conclusion." Chief Yang said irritably. He was running out of his patience, "Miss Mo, I think you are deliberately harboring Chu Nan. But this will not help him, but harm him. If he really has nothing to do with this matter, let him come forward and explain clearly. Avoiding it will only make people feel that he was even more suspicious."

Mo Fei still had that cold look, "it was my Mo family's company that was smashed, it was like smashing my own home. Do I have a reason to harbor the real criminal? I'm just telling you that the direction of your suspicion is wrong."