Chapter 327 Liusu's Slap

Mo Yizhi was a little tired. He leaned on the back of the sofa and faintly said, "From the standpoint of a businessman, I quite like you, because you have a lot of potentials; from the standpoint of a man, I admire you, because you have the courage to take the responsibility as a man. Although you are fickle in love, you can still stick to your own position. You are better than me... But from the standpoint of a father, I don't like you, and I even hate you because you made Fei'er fall in love with you... The reason why I don't like you is the same as the reason I admire you... Okay, I think that's enough talk today, you can leave now. The situation in the company will be messy in the next few days, and you haven't fully recovered from your injury, so you need to stay at home and recuperate."