Chapter 335 She Is Really Back

The woman's long brown hair was curly like soft waves. It gave off a handsome yet mature charm. I wasn't familiar with any woman having this kind of hairstyle, and since she could sit in the chairman's office and taste his precious tea, it could only mean that she wasn't a nobody, so I didn't think I knew this woman. However, I just couldn't help but feel a touch of familiarity from the back of this strange woman, and it was a touch of familiarity that I was afraid of.

It was probably an illusion, but I felt that the woman's shoulders trembled slightly when she heard Mo Yizhi call my name.

Mo Yizhi was a person with a strong oppressive aura. Although he was smiling, it still couldn't completely conceal his oppressive aura that had been honed over the years. Chu Yuan instinctively hid behind me in fear. I hugged her shoulders and slowly pushed her to stand by my side. It was more polite this way, "Chairman, why are you looking for me?"