Chapter 346 Elder Brother, Come and Wash Your Younger Sister's Feet

Dong Xiaoye came out of the bathroom with my large slippers and her unique pajamas-a football uniform. Not to mention me, even Chu Yuan and Dongfang were a little speechless. Both girls readily moved their positions and gave the leftmost position of the "new sofa" to her. 

Dong Xiaoye sat down lazily, and after seeing our strange expression, she asked, "What's wrong? Is there something on my clothes?"

"No, I'm just a little surprised," Chu Yuan said and then asked hesitantly, "Elder Sister Xiaoye, are you going to sleep in this uniform?"

Looking at Chu Yuan and Dongfang's lovely pajamas with envy, Dong Xiaoye sighed sadly, "I am not like you. If I wear such kawaii pajamas, people will laugh at me. I'm no longer that young... "

When she said "people will laugh at me", her eyes were already glaring at me fiercely. I wanted to tell her that given her age and gender, wearing this set of 'pajamas' was actually even more inappropriate…