Chapter 359 There Is Only One Secret

"If I'm the Third Lady, do I still need to come to Fengchang to work as an assistant?"

"Oh? That's great." I didn't say why it was great. It surprised the three women that I would trust her so quickly.

Mo Fei said in disbelief, "Chu Nan, you... Are you joking? If she is not the Third Lady, why would my uncle be so polite to her? How many people in Bei Tian City would make him do that? "

"Do I look like I am joking?" I touched my serious and stiff face, and said solemnly, "Is my expression not serious enough?"

"But Nan Nan, yesterday you said..."

"I never said that I was sure that Xiao Zi is the Third Lady, did I?" I interrupted Liusu, smiled, and then said to Mo Fei, "Fei Fei, I want to see the chairman."

Mo Fei was stunned, and the corner of my eye noticed that Ziyuan's shoulders trembled fiercely. She realized that although I believed that she was not the Third Lady, it did not mean that I believed her...