Chapter 365 Mo Yizhi's Method

"You already know it, don't you?" Mo Yizhi took a sip of tea, leaned on the soft sofa cushion, and smiled, "I can understand your feeling at the moment. You want to kill me, right? I have had this feeling before. Little Chu, do you know why I like you? Because you are just like me when I was young, including our experience..."

I vaguely felt that I was losing control of my emotions. I tried my best to suppress my anger and said, "I'm not here to listen to you talking nonsense!"

Maybe no one had talked to him in such a disrespectful way in too many years, Mo Yizhi was a little surprised, but he still maintained a calm smile, "Fine then, Little Chu, tell me what you have learned in just one night? Also, when I said those words, I wasn't trying to flatter you or anything, you really remind me of my younger self. So as a reward, as long as your guess is correct, I will not deny it."