Chapter 373 It's all Minx's fault

 "Don't listen to her nonsense, if she is really my girlfriend, you think your Elder Sister Mo and Liusu wouldn't know?" I responded awkwardly. Why did I feel like I had a relationship with Mo Fei and Liusu at the same time... 

"They both know this girl too. She is a friend of my little sister. And she has indeed stayed in my flat for a few days, but we are absolutely not a couple. Who do you think I am? That girl cannot control her tongue and she likes to talk nonsense." I explained to Yao Wan'er in a low voice.

If Yao Wan'er found out that it was Xiao Yike who arranged for someone to splash Mo Fei with feces, who knew what she would think...

That was also one of the reasons why I didn't dare to greet Xiao Yike. I wanted to run away secretly and avoid talking about what happened that day.

Yao Wan'er hadn't reacted yet, but the back of my collar was grabbed by Lin Yunan. Only then did I realize that I was surrounded by a group of delinquent young men...