Chapter 379 Shu Tong's Parents

"Uncle, will my appearance be ruined?"

"It's just a bump on the forehead, and it will disappear in two days. How can your appearance be ruined?"

"I'm not talking about my forehead. I'm talking about my knee!"

"So your appearance is about your knees?"

"But it won't look good if I have scars on my knees, right? How do you want me to wear skirts in the future?"

"Then wear trousers..."

"I always wear skirts in summer, but you've taken half of my beauty away from me! You have to take responsibility!"

"Get lost. You fell down yourself, why do I need to take responsibility? Besides, for this kind of minor wound, the doctor will at most disinfect them with rubbing alcohol, and then put on a bandage. Now get in!"

"I want you to carry me inside."

"Do you want more people to laugh at you? Wasn't Wan'er holding you?"

"Tsk, so cold-hearted! But I want to make it clear first. If it's a male doctor, I won't let him touch me!"