Chapter 383 Happiness is just a little bit of satisfaction

"If it can vent your anger, you can see my naked body too."

"If you dare to pull down your trousers, I will kill you!" Sister Tiger knew that I was a kind of shameless man that would really do it if she said yes. She quickly covered her face with her hands, but none of her fingers covered her eyes…

The biggest advantage of a man was that men were more thick-skinned than women. Knowing that Dong Xiaoye would not really ask me to do it, I jokingly said, "This is the fairest method I can think of. I really can't think of anything else. Unless you want me to take responsibility and marry you?"

I was hoping that this joke would change her mood a little, but I didn't expect that Dong Xiaoye would suddenly put down her hands and glared at me while biting her lips, even her eyes also teared up. 

'Oh no, she is really thinking about this.'