Chapter 395 Wolf

The trees in the hunting park were not new trees; they were tall and leafy, almost covering the moon in the sky. Because of the rain yesterday, the soil on the ground was sticky and slippery, very difficult to walk on. If one was not careful enough, it was very likely to slip over. 

A gust of night breeze would blow past me from time to time, stirring the damp and stuffy air permeating the forest, making it difficult to breathe. Before I knew it, I was already sweating profusely. When the leaves were moving, I always wouldn't be able to help myself but think that that hungry wolf would jump out and attack me.

Because I relied too much on the flashlight, my eyes could not adapt to the darkness around me. Gritting my teeth, I switched off the flashlight and put it back in my pocket.

Liu Xiaosheng, who was walking in front of him, could not help looking back and asked with a stiff smile, "Mr. Chu, why are you following me?"