Chapter 404 Does it give you a headache?

At 11:00 in the morning, Long Shan came and called me to the chairman's office.

Mo Yizhi had already made the tea in advance. When I entered the door, he was fiddling with a tea set. If it were other people, they would definitely feel honored. After all, it was the Chairman who made the tea for them personally. But it was very hard for me to feel that way because how could you respect someone who regarded you as a tool?

"I heard about what happened to Liu Xiaosheng." Mo Yizhi finally opened his mouth to talk after he drank the third cup of tea, his expression was very serious and his tone was very stern.

I didn't know if he heard from Min Rou or the Liu family, but I nodded lightly. 

"Did you do that to him or did he do that to himself?"