Chapter 417 Ambush

Sang Yingjie was truly an extraordinary man. He turned to the customers who were rubbernecking and said loudly, "I'm sorry for employing the wrong person and ruining everyone's mood tonight. To express my sincere apology, I will pay for all the drinks you ordered just now. I hope you will have fun for the rest of the evening."

As soon as this statement came out, the customers immediately burst into cheers. In a blink of an eye, everyone forgot the hideous look he had when beating up the yellow-haired young man just now. All they thought now was that he was reasonable and generous.

I couldn't help but admire Sang Yingjie's methods of dealing with this matter. First the stick, and then the carrot; no wonder his subordinates would respect and fear him.

With such a change, not to mention Liusu, Ziyuan, and other people who didn't know who he was, even Mo Fei, who knew that I had met with Sang Yingjie before, was also confused about my relationship with him.