Chapter 425 Lv Siqi’s reminder

Other girls would feel proud when they were chased by boys, but my little sister treated those handsome boys like flies. 

Alas, this bratty girl is so arrogant.

I couldn't help but wonder what kind of boy was not a fly in her eyes.

Seeing Shu Tong follow us, I dismissed the idea of lecturing her and said, "We'll talk about Dongfang Lianren's matter later. Now you need to come with me to have lunch with Ms. Shu's family. Remember, don't make any silly mistakes, don't ask me anything, and pay attention to my eye signals at all times."

Chu Yuan was a little confused, "Elder Brother, what are you talking about? Eye signals? Your eyes always look sneaky. How would I know what you are going to tell me?"


"Yes." Shu Tong echoed, "You always look like a sneaky thief..."

"Fine then, I will be an honest guy and tell your parents the truth..."