Chapter 430 The Real Mastermind Behind The Scene

Dong Xiaoye's words were so sharp that even Sang Yingjie couldn't help but sweat. He smiled embarrassedly and said, "The first one... but Officer Dong, I have to explain something, I definitely did not detain those seven boys. They suddenly jumped out and attacked Mr. Chu, so I couldn't just stand on the side and watch them attacking people without doing anything, right? At that time, Mr. Chu and his friends were also present. Whether it was self-defense or helping others, I had to subdue those guys that were acting in my name. After subduing them, it is also logical for me to ask them who hired them to attack Mr. Chu using my name, right? In fact, I had already let them all go last night. If you don't believe me, you can check. I have their identity information, home address, and contact information..."

Identity information, home address, contact information... He was not a policeman; why did he keep these things? This would clearly make Dong Xiaoye dislike him even more?