Chapter 435 A Sudden Question

My opponent's strength was not strong, but after losing one match and tying one match, my seniors' confidence was severely damaged. They wanted to win, but were afraid of losing. Because of this, they played very conservatively. Only I was eager to perform in front of my stepmother and Chu Yuan, and initiated a quick counterattack time and time again. 

The result was that I naturally received the attention of my opponent. The tie was maintained until the last minute of the game. My opponent was too careless. As he lowered his guard at the last minute, I snatched the ball from him in the midfield and rushed towards the goal. However, the guy in the defense seemed to have some wrestling background. In order to stop me, he even ripped a big hole in the uniform that I had just put on the first time. In the end, in the embarrassed look of the seniors, I scored a point on the free-kick and helped my team to win the match.