Chapter 440 Leaving Bei Tian? Part 2

Long Shan asked in confusion: "Regret? What regrets?"

This was my answer to Mo Fei. It was the only thing I could do for her…

"Chairman knows what I mean." I didn't explain it to Long Shan, because it was too corny to say.

"Mhm, I understand it," Mo Yizhi said with a smile: "You are quite old-fashioned in your bones, but I like it. For men, there is nothing wrong with being a little bit conservative."

"Conservative? People often say this about me," For example, Liusu and Ziyuan, all of them had said this about me Before. I changed my tone and said: "But no matter what, Chairman, I still can't accept the condition of leaving Bei Tian city and working somewhere else..."