Chapter 446 Trust

"Is that it?" Talking to Dongfang little brat made me feel very tired. It was like squeezing toothpaste, she would only answer me when I pressed her... 

"Is that everything she said to you? She didn't say when your mother will come to pick you up? "Zhen Nuo's reaction was also really strange. Since she knew Dongfang was in my house, why didn't she do anything?

"Pick me up?" Dongfang dropped her console angrily after she was defeated by Chu Yuan and turned her head to glare at me as if it was my fault that she lost the game, "Do you still think that she really cares about me? I'm lucky she didn't force me to go home and apologize to her right now."

I felt more and more that it was presumptuous and beyond my power to intercede with Dongfang's mother for her. The gap between her and her mother was far worse than I thought. No wonder Dongfang distrusted me and made such a pitiful and naive request...