Chapter 450 Inexplicable Anger

Sister Tiger was a quick-tempered and petty-minded woman. This was something that I have known about for a long time. But what I didn't expect was that a hot-tempered person like her would also start a cold war with me! 

I'd said sorry many times, but let alone answer me, she didn't even look at me directly, which made me feel so frustrated. I was even ready for her to challenge me to a duel again.

"Elder Brother, did you quarrel with Elder Sister Xiaoye?" Before I could change my shoes after coming back from outside, Chu Yuan asked me.

I knew that Chu Yuan would find out that there was a problem between Dong Xiaoye and me, but I didn't expect that she would spot it so quickly. 

I deliberately chuckled helplessly and said: "Quarrel? I wish that was the case."