Chapter 455 The Old-fashioned Romance Is Out Of Date

I didn't feel nervous about the first date in my life. After all, I had been hanging around with Liusu for nearly five years. The familiarity between us made it destined for us not to have too much throbbing, but a bit more warmth. The transition from friends to a couple added a subtle sense of fun to this warmth. This indescribable sense of fun made me unable to suppress the excitement. I regarded this excitement as 'anticipation'.

The night before the first date, I was not nervous, but because of the excitement of anticipation, I couldn't fall asleep.

The time before I fell asleep was hard, but probably because it was hard, when I finally fell asleep, I slept very deeply; so much so that when I woke up, the sun was already high up in the sky.

I languidly got up from the sofa. If it weren't for the sunlight to be too dazzling, I would've definitely continued to sleep. But after I looked sleepily at the clock on the wall, I was stunned.