Chapter 486 Her First Kiss...

"Xiaoye, are you drunk?"

"No, I'm not drunk."

People who were drunk all said that they were not drunk. This woman had drunk a lot tonight. The reason why she was barely able to stay clear-headed before was because of what happened earlier. Now that I was fine, she finally loosened up. But as soon as her nerves relaxed, the alcohol effect immediately rushed to her head, and became even stronger than before. 

"You're drunk. C'mon, don't lie on top of me like this. You need to get up and go to sleep." I pushed her up, trying to make her go back to sleep on the sofa.

"What are you doing?!" Dong Xiaoye's slim waist wriggled. She suddenly turned around, causing my left hand to slip past her, and my right hand was pressed onto a soft and bouncy mass. "Ya! You pervert!"