Chapter 491 The sealed memories

"Nan Nan, are you crazy?! You can't hit Yuan Yuan!"

"Little Chu, Yuan Yuan is still a kid. You shouldn't get angry at what she said."

Liusu held Chu Yuan in her arms while Dong Xiao Ye held my shoulders from behind. Only after pulling me back a few steps did she separate me from Chu Yuan. Fortunately, they had stopped me, otherwise, I really didn't know what I would do. After all, I knew better than anyone that Chu Yuan had done nothing wrong.

Seeing me wanting to hit her, Chu Yuan bitted her lips very hard, her eyes were teary. The aggrieved look of her was like a sharp knife piercing my heart. In the end, she still couldn't hold back her tears and cried out, "Why do you have to endure it? You didn't owe her anything! It was me who owed her!"