Chapter 153 The Tombs

There were too many insects at the front of the car. Chu YunSheng could not get through the swarm at all.

He quickly stored the explosives inside the storage talisman, activated his armour, and then jumped on the top of one insect's back and leapt onto the roof of a building nearby.

Even though he did not think that he could survive, the survival instinct still made him prepare everything he could to make it possible.

He still had one last resort.

A golden-shelled insect.

His plan was to hollow out a small area on the golden-shelled insect's back, and hide inside its back while riding it all the way to the other side of the river.

The golden-shelled Insect's body was huge. Just its head alone, it was already as big as a bus, and its main body was two times bigger than its head!