The moonlight bounced across the horizon, like the sun was playing a game of catch with the waves, birds resembling seagulls with four wings flew across the sky above, sometimes diving to grab some fish. Below the surface the beautiful blue water ripple as a large pod of water steeds break the surface.
The pod of water steeds burst from the waves, the largest one Whinnied and snorted and led the female ponies in formation, obviously being the alpha. He was a bright blue with red horizontal stripes whose fins were a bright neon yellow at the tips, he was leading his females south towards the warmer waters.
His fins looked as though they could cut through the hull of great freight ship, as dangerous as they were they also made him also look eerily beautiful. Luckily water steeds were rarely aggressive towards humans and were often were able to be domesticated and ridden. The male had several smaller females jumping gleefully behind him.
The females had much smaller fins and they weren't the beautiful neon yellow the male displayed. Their bodies were much brighter, the red stripes were a neon green, with a neon green mask pattern over their snouts.
The pack entered Denizens bay and in the distance the shadows of mountains were peaking through the mist. As the pack got closer to shore and the mountains became clearer you could see signs of human life. Small ships, and fishing villages scattered across the shore line bustling with movement as business transpired in the shops as the ships found their home at the docks . The seagulls lining up along the tops of the poles to pick off any fish or crustacean that managed to drop from the barrels as they were being unloaded.
The bay was a popular feeding spot for the water horses as it was rich will grove weeds and large mollusks for them to feed on and the humans who lived here would often feed them as well. The pod would come during the spring to spawn in the shoals of some of the nearby lagoons from the smaller uninhabited islands that littered denizens bay.
In the distance beyond the fishing villages you could see the Citadel, home to the great sorcerers council known as the Magestrate and housed and entire school for the magical arts. Every witch and wizard born in Thre'a finds themselves at the Magestrate by the time their eight years old. The citadel was said to grow magically already reaching above the clouds some believed that one day it would enter the heavens themselves.
Beyond the great citadel was the white wood(believed to be home to spirits and devils) and the common land where multiple villages and small cities made up the common folk of various races.
Thre'a had been enjoying a prosperous 200 years, the current ruling faction worked with the citadel to maintain peace after the last ruling family had managed to oppress the kingdom into severe ruin. The mages helped the current Kings father overthrow King Allistar and his children and we now helping them in their conquest of the orc occupied savage lands of the deep south.
Generally everything west of the dusk sands were small outposts and even smaller villages along the edge of the mountains. There was a large forked river the cuts through the untamed lands, and along the fork is where these little bits of civilization were determined to start the "proper cultivation of mage society
Among those great cities was Autumnveil. Powered by pixie magic, built into the face of a rock cliff underneath a great fire maple tree. The great tree was believed to have been a gift from the elves to the first autumn witch who planted it there and founded the city. It was called a fire maple because the giant leaves, a bright red, had leaves that from a far made the tree look like it was burning endlessly. It was also the only known home of the pixies. The city created pixie dust collectors to collect the falling dust which powered the cities magic reactor that supplies energy to the city.
The archegate was powered on pixie dust, no other magic could sustain their ability to warp space as well lasting longer and connected them more strongly to their enchantments. Autumnveil was the envy of every city on civilized Thre'a for its beauty and advancements as well as it being deemed the capitol of the magical Thre'a.
The city of Autumnveil was as grand as the capitol, the city stacked many stories high, and employed many interesting means to circumnavigate the city. The mages would just blink to the gate platform they wished to use, while common folk would use pixie dust to enchant makeshift wings to fly them to the platform. Some of the more wealthy commonfolk, like politicians, military officers and company executives would fly on enchanted crafts or flying mounts from various regions of the untamed portions of Thre'a.".
The upper most section of the city was cut into white marble and most of the gate ways were inlaid with gold house crests and government seals, only the weakthiest and most important stayed in the upper level of the city.
The middle section was mostly shops and businesses and various government and religious building gates. The stone wasnt the white marbel, but black obsidian. Beautiful flashy signs, painted in magical paints that would change colors and brightness according the time of day stick from the black gate ways. loud pops and whistles blew when customers would walk by the thresholds. One shop even had a parrot-chimp dancing on a box.
The parrot-chimp would stop only to sing a song about a young man wanting to woo the girl of his dreams and calling on his master "Jewel master Aneigo" to make a necklace so beautiful it would steal his loves heart. The song ended with the young man and his new wife naming their first child after the jeweler.
The bottom level was the poorest section. Almost all the inhabitant of the lower floor were common folk. Mages who weren't wealthy tended to live at the citadel and furthered their studies and picked up jobs to gain reputation and of course wealth.
This floor was often referred to as the basement by the wealthy.
The bottom was carved into a clay red stone, the gate ways were worn and less splendid than the other two levels, of the wood large portions of the gates were greying or cracking, some looked like their hinges were barely holding on. The floor of the level was just the ground , being pounded by years of traffic had left just the red clay visible. No one starved in Autumnveil but there was definitely a visible divide amongst the classes.
Tucked away in the basement was a small gate, it was is much better shape than the majority of the gates in the basement. The wood was relatively still shiny and its inlay was of a decent quality. The symbol the inlays accented was a white bird. There was a small plaque on the wall to left that read " Autumnveil home for wayward children" .