Erlem passed the alley that led to the fountain, he tried to decide if he could get away but thought better of it, he wasn't sure how strong Huxley was and also wasn't sure what he may do if he had to chase Erlem.
They came to the orphanage archegate, Huxley waited for Erlem to enter the gate before he left. The orphanage archegate would only allow those who had a pin with the orphanages symbol on their persons, otherwise the gate would refuse to allow anyone through.
Erlem was met by Penelope, who hadnt forgotten Erlem's punishment and was holding a long piece of iridescent chalk. Erlem zoned in on that chalk, he greeted it like and old friend, palming it and heading to the headmistresses office.
It was dusk when Erlem started his punishment, " i will not drive the headmistress crazy before im eight" was the line he had to write. It was a long one this time, and everytime he filled the black board it would magically clear itself and Erlem would start over. It would be good to note that no matter how many lines he wrote his piece of chalk never got any smaller.
When Penelope dismissed him it was well after midnight, four hours writing line, "i must have done a million" Erlem thought to himself " ill get you back Jasmine." Erlem smiled as he began to formulate a plan, Jasmines birthday was in two weeks and he wasn't goin to let her go to the citadel without a proper send off.
The next couple of weeks ran by fast, summer was ending in Autumnveil, the nights were coming sooner and getting cooler and the trees around the city were starting to change colors from their normal emerald greens to the fall yellows and oranges that made Autumnveil a favorite for the social elite. They would often keep a second residence or even make their main home in Autumnveil.
Autumn witches tended to gravitate to Autumnveil, many believe its the Fire mapel that houses the pixies. The magestrate believes it gives off an energy that amplifies Autumn magics. Its also believed that fall itself added to an Autumn witches power. It has been reported by Autumn witches to the magestrate that in fall spells became easier to cast and often more powerful.
Erlem was no different, in the fall Erlem had more energy, and even better luck, he found studying and remembering his lessons were even better in the fall.
Erlem and Stanley were in the orphanages common yard, it was an outside style play area for the kids built inside the orphanage. There was an enchantment made the giant room look like a small field with a couple slides, some jungle gyms, and a magical clubhouse with tire swings and slides sticking out of it. The ceiling of the common yard was enchanted so the sky would mirror the weather outside.
Erlem was telling Stanely his idea to get Jasmone back. Erlem had decided to try and put a curse on Jasmine. Nothing dangerous, Erlem had found a book in the headmistress's office a while ago that had a curse that slightly changes a person's appearance when they activate the condition of the curse.
He planned on cursing Jasmine, he thought he was so clever for this one, the activation would be tattle-tailing. Anytime Jasmine breaks someones confidence or snitches she would slightly gain some rat characteristics.
"Erlem that's perfect for her!" The boys laughed feeling pleased with this plan. " how are you gonna get her with the curst without her knowing?"
Erlem smiled a mischievous smile " im gonna give her a birthday present of course." He walked over to a tree that held a tree house, Erlem reached into the trees shadow and pulled out a long black branch. Erlem magicked the smaller limbs off and then them the midnight black bark to reveal an even darker gorgeous wood.
Stanley shouldnt have been as amazed by this as he was, being Erlem's best friend means you get to see some amazing things. The shadow stick Erlem had pulled from the shadows reminded Stanley of the sky at night, the wood was black with almost glitter like sparkles in the grain.
"After a few moments Erlem had crafted a broomstick, he enchanted it and it began to float.
Erlam grabbed the stick out of the air "we need to make a tail for it." They left the common yard through a door on the furthest wall and entered a hallway. The orphanage looked rather modest on the outside, but the Autumnveil magestrate spared no expense and brought in the best arch -enchanters. Most of the buildings in Autumnveil had alt-space charms on them but not to the extent of the orphanage. The alt space aloud small areas to contain large areas inside them. The orphanage was the size of a large boarding school once you entered archegate.
The boys entered a stable, it held a few lightning steeds and a couple cerberus cows for milk. The school had a small assortment of animals used to feed the children, various 4 legged chickens, pigs that were so fat and tender their meat would cause them to be bouncey, the school slaughtered on of those around christmas, Erlems mouth watered just seeing them. They made their way to a hay bail and grabbed a large handful, Erlem started to enchant the hay, it turned gold and sparkled beautifully against the sunlight.
He fastened the hay to the broom and cast one more spell. The broomstick look amazing, on par with some of the ones at the magical item shop at the sapphire archegate.
"Does it work?" Stanley asked, Erlem handed it to Stanley, " you better try it now before I curse it." Stanley jump on the broom and took off, the wind hitting his face and running through his tightly curled hair. Stanley was common folk and didnt have any magical abilities, without the help of a mage or an independent magical item, Erlem tried to help Stanley where he could, little treats like this would make Erlems heart feel all tingly.
Stanley is the closest thing to family Erlem had, for children without families finding someone who makes you feel like family is as good as it could get for an Orphan, besides they already had the same last names since they were both Autumnveil orphans and had shared a room since they were four.
Stanley zoomed around the indoor farm, doing a couple laps, and a single loop-di-loop for good measure.
"Erlem she's a beaut! Its such a waste to give it to Jasmine " You could hear it in his voice that Stanley would really like the broom himself, something like this would make his next twelve years there more bare able after Erlem left.
"The enchantment im using to make her fly wont last long, maybe six or seven good flights, Im not quite strong enough to permanently enchant it. She doesnt need to know that thought." He snickered, if the curse works Jasmine wont even realize whats happening until she developes some noticeable rat traits.
Stanley handed over the broom to Erlem, " dont worry buddy, as soon as i figure it out im gonna make you a broom so you can always fly." Stanley perked up, if Erlem promised Stanley something it was as good as done. " I can't wait!"
Stanleys excitement dissapeared as he once again watched Erlem perform magic again, this time he was cursing the broom stick. " does she have to touch it or what?"
The curse was actually a bit more complicated than Stanley could grasp, being a six year old and a common folk but Erlem was able to explain. " basically the curse activates when she gives the broom a name. Erlem waved his hand and a gold plate appeared close to the top of the handle.
"In order for a broom to be loyal to its own they have to name it. Who ever names this broom owns this broom, who ever owns this broom is cursed."
The boys left the barnyard area and walked up to a tree stump next to a Erlem touched a knot in the stump with his index finger, "etherios". The stump glowed and an archegate appeared on the face of the stump, the boys entered the archegate pleased with themselves.